You are currently browsing the daily archive for June 26, 2010.

June typically boasts sweltering, dry heat in Phoenix. On June 26, 1990, Phoenix recorded a record-breaking temperature of 122 degrees at Sky Harbor Airport. I enjoy the month mainly because many residents escape Phoenix on the weekends leaving the city a veritable ghost town where the rest of us can drive and see attractions in peace. I also believe in starting the day at 5 a.m. in the coolness of the morning and hibernating as the day becomes hotter. 

The Desert Botanical Garden provides a getaway for visitors and critters.

The Desert Botanical Garden provides a getaway for visitors and critters.

A favorite destination on these cool June mornings remains the Desert Botanical Garden. No fighting over scarce parking spaces and the desert creatures and plants come out to enjoy the morning as well. On a recent outing, I experienced a variety of wildlife and cactus blooms. My mission included taking photographs of the baby coyotes the Garden listed on Twitter, but I settled for photos of other critters and flowers because the baby coyotes never showed up.  Read the rest of this entry »

June 2010

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