The end of February, my Joshua tree surprised me with 23 blooms even though I possess a black thumb.  The blooms appeared a little early for spring, but a presented a welcome sight nonetheless.  

One of at least 23 blooms on my Joshua tree.

One of at least 23 blooms on my Joshua tree.

 About this time of year, especially after all of our winter rain, we begin to see plants and wildflowers blooming in the desert.  This colorful carpet of beauty adds to the paradise where we live, but fades as the days grow hotter. 

A bee hovers near orange flowers in the Century Plant Collection at the Desert Botanical Garden.

A bee hovers near orange flowers in the Century Plant Collection at the Desert Botanical Garden.

The Desert Botanical Garden contains a variety of flowers from Arizona wildflowers that grow along the trails to flowers on the cactuses and succulents.  Visitors walk the trails and visit the herb garden and become aware of all of the different flowers. 

Wildflowers bloom along the Desert Wildflower Loop Trail.

Wildflowers bloom along the Desert Wildflower Loop Trail.

Succulents like the agave or century plant put forth a long spike, which supports many blooms.  Once the plant blooms, it shrivels up and dies. 

An agave or century plant blooms and then dies.

An agave or century plant blooms and then dies.

 The herb garden also contains displays of wildflowers and flowering herbs at the Desert Botanical Garden.

Flowers grow around the sundial in the herb garden.

Flowers grow around the sundial in the herb garden.

The first yucca bloom of the Berlin Agave Yucca Forest appeared the end of February.  I captured it in still life and the Desert Botanical Garden presented it on the following video. 

The first bloom in the Berlin Agave Yucca Forest.

The first bloom in the Berlin Agave Yucca Forest.

Wildflowers appear in neighbors’ yards and in parks.  Splashes of orange and yellow, purple, pink and red bring everyone to see our beautiful desert in bloom.  They also attract hummingbirds, bees and butterflies. 

Wildflowers come in many vibrant colors.

Wildflowers come in many vibrant colors.

Photos by Janice Semmel; YouTube by the Desert Botanical Garden